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Your Hope-Filled Perspective with Dr. Michelle Bengtson podcast

Feb 9, 2023

Episode Summary: 

Are you tired of dieting? Feeling weak and tired? Are you tired of the dieting yo-yo of losing weight only to gain it back again and more? What do you do when you hate dieting? Today we’re talking about help for disordered eating. My guest has been there, understands, and offers hope, help, and healing for the diet-weary soul.

Quotables from the episode:

  • Disordered eating comes from an unhealthy relationship with food.
  • Disordered eating isn’t as much about the food as it is about what we think about food.
  • You can be free from disordered eating, shame, a negative body image and an unhealthy relationship with food NOW.
  • God is not a God of chaos, but of order.
  • When people struggle with disordered eating, they tend to have black and white thinking especially as it relates to food.
  • You can cultivate a healthy relationship with your body today and not wait for the thinner one you will have in the future.
  • Dieting works from the outside in while God’s healing operates from the inside out.
  • We will have no peace when we give the shamer access to our mind and our soul.
  • Being free has nothing to do with a number on the scale and most of us need to be free enough to treat our body well before we focus on losing weight.
  • Women struggle with these issues no matter what they weigh. It has nothing to do with numbers, it is all about how we think. God heals us from the inside out!
  • Become familiar with their own story, process it with the Lord and maybe a counselor, and then begin to combat shame with the Word of God.
  • Shame is insidious and colors everything we think and perceive.
  • You are already loved as you are, regardless of what the scale says.

Scripture References:

  • Be very careful about what you think, because your thoughts run your life (Proverbs 4:23 NCV).
  • For they have treated the brokenness of the daughter of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace (Jeremiah 8:11)
  • God does not view things the way people do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7b NET)

Recommended Resources: 


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Laura Acuña is a speaker, author, podcast host and coach. A graduate of Liberty University, she earned a degree in Christian Counseling and a minor in Biblical Studies. Married to Pat, the two are the parents of three sons, and one daughter-in-love. They became first-time grandparents to Evelyn Grace (finally a girl!) in July 2021. Laura challenges her sisters to grow up to become spiritually and emotionally mature. Her new book Still Becoming: Hope, Help and Healing for the Diet-Weary Soul released in December, 2022.

Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson